Novi zavjet (Po prihvaćenom tekstu)
Osnove evanđeoske teologije I-II
Pisma za mlade ljude
Potraga za domovinom
A short history of German evangelicals in Croatia.
Put do odgovora
The book "The Path to the Answer" by Fr. Ivo Pavić, published in 2009 in Osijek, is a collection of his interviews with journalists, containing one hundred questions and answers.
Religijske teme u književnosti (zbornik radova međunarodnog simpozija održanog u Zagrebu 9. prosinca 2000. )
Unfortunately, over time, art (especially literature), at least in European history, became a separate sphere of cultural life, separated both from religion and from the world of ethical (humane) values.
Riječi njihovog svjedočanstva
Sathya Sai Baba - Objavljivanje se nastavlja ... Čitanje poruke i djela Avatara u svjetlu teozofije ili Vječne mudrosti
The book examines the messages and works of Avatar Sathya Sai Baba in the light of theosophy or eternal wisdom, this profound spiritual approach connects the teachings of Sai Baba with the fundamental principles of Theosophy.
Selected books
Selected Books (2002) by C. S. Lewis is a collection of his most important works, covering theological, philosophical, and literary topics.
Religion & Beliefs
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