Developmental Theory and Clinical Process
Dyspraxia is a really frustrating condition. Although it has only a few physical manifestations, it can determine the life of an individual and turn the life of an entire family upside down.
Djeca, roditelji i odgoj: Kako razumijeti i odgajati djecu
Dobar život: Najveće znanstveno istraživanje sreće
For more than eight decades, Harvard's research on adult development has addressed the eternal question: What makes life meaningful and fulfilling? Although the answer may seem complicated, the truth is actually very simple: good relationships.
Drama braka i porodice
The book deals with psychological and sociological aspects of marriage and family, exploring the dynamics of relationships within these institutions.
Duševnost i umjetnost
Emocionalna inteligencija: Zašto je važnija od kvocijenta inteligencije
How important is IQ? Is it really crucial in a person's life and business success? How is it possible that people with a high IQ experience failure, while those with a modest IQ do incredibly well?
Enciklopedijski rječnik pedagogije
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