Social Science
Kriminologija sa osnovima kriminalne politike i penologije
The book deals with the basics of criminology, including theories about the causes of criminal behavior, research methods in criminology, and analysis of different types of crime.
Kriterijumi odmeravanja kazne
The book deals with key issues related to sentencing in criminal law.
Kritika kolektivizma: Liberalna misao o socijalizmu
The book Critique of Collectivism: Liberal Thought on Socialism is a collection of texts that critically examine the ideas of collectivism and socialism from the perspective of classical liberal thought.
Kritika materijalističke psihologije - osnovana na bazi intelektualne kritike Schoppenhauerovih, Freudeovih, Nietzscheovih i Adlerovih interpretacija, I. knjiga
Kritika saodlučivanja partnerstvo ili klasna borba?
Krivični zakonik SR Čehoslovačke
Kriza psihijatrije ili psihijatrija krize
In the book "Crisis of psychiatry or psychiatry of crisis", authors Vladimir Paranošić and Predrag Kaličanin explore challenges and changes in the field of psychiatry.
Kriza psihoanalize - Analitička socijalna psihologija i društvena teorija
Kriza psihoanalize - Analitička socijalna psihologija i društvena teorija
Fromm developed as a critic of contemporary society under the influence of Marx, Freud and the Frankfurt circle. He stood out as an original critical interpreter of Freud's conceptions, which are his second basic inspiration.
Social Science
- Anthropology
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- Kriminologija
- Language & linguistics
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- Politicology
- Psychiatry
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- Socialism
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