Mussolinijevo rimsko carstvo
The book "Mussolini's Roman Empire" is a detailed analysis of the political ambitions and strategies of Benito Mussolini, with special emphasis on his efforts to restore the glory of the ancient Roman Empire through fascist rule in Italy.
Nacije i države: Ispitivanje porijekla nacija i politike nacionalizma
The author has set himself the task of examining the formation of the nation, the types of political movements that went after it to achieve national goals and shed light on the influence of the internal politics of states and interstate relations on nati
Neravnopravna demokracija: Politički položaj Hrvata u Bosni i Hercegovini
Nova industrijska država
Technocracy Record Book
Obrazovanje za sve ? : ogled o obrazovanju kao činiocu : društvene strukture
Odbjegli svijet : Kako globalizacija oblikuje naše živote
This book contains lectures by sociologist Anthony Giddens on the state of the world at the end of the twentieth century. Globalization, risk, tradition, family and democracy are key and unavoidable topics in understanding the state and changes of the mod
Odbrana malih zemalja
Odvažnost nade
The book "Audacity of Hope" is Obama's call for a new type of politics - a politics that relies on mutual understanding.
Ogledi o društvenim procesima i institucijama
The second book by the authors Petković and Kregar, which is intended for students preparing for exams. The first was published under the title "Review of the main systems of sociological theories".
Osnovna pitanja teorije i politike ekonomskog razvoja
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