
Priče o grčkim junacima

Priče o grčkim junacima

Milan Mirić, Zlatko Šešelj
Naprijed, 1992.
Croatian. Latin alphabet. Hardcover.
Prorok za naše vrijeme

Prorok za naše vrijeme

Svjetlo riječi, 1991.
Croatian. Latin alphabet. Paperback.
Rečnik grčke i rimske mitologije

Rečnik grčke i rimske mitologije

Dragoslav Srejović

"This Dictionary was not compiled with the intention of interpreting, but rather of telling Greek and Roman myth..."

Srpska književna zadruga (SKZ), 1979.
Serbian. Cyrillic alphabet. Hardcover with dust jacket.


Sheldon White
Znaci vremena, 2009.
Croatian. Latin alphabet. Paperback.
Rimska mitologija

Rimska mitologija

Stewart Perowne

The book Roman Mythology by Stewart Perowne explores the gods, legends and religious practices of ancient Rome. It contains numerous black-and-white and color photographs and illustrations.

Otokar Keršovani, 1986.
Croatian. Latin alphabet. Hardcover.
Staroegipatska priča o Hotepu i Ankhnazi

Staroegipatska priča o Hotepu i Ankhnazi

Avelin Stahuljak
Klub hrvatskih književnika, 1930.
Croatian. Latin alphabet. Paperback.
Svjedočanstvo: od iluzije k istini

Svjedočanstvo: od iluzije k istini

Gloria Polo

Dr. Gloria Polo Ortiz, a dentist from Colombia, had an accident in 1995 at the age of 36. She was struck by lightning.

Don Božidar Medvid, 2008.
Croatian. Latin alphabet. Paperback.
Svjetiljka za vazda

Svjetiljka za vazda

Ivan Golub
Družba katoličkog apostolata, 1995.
Croatian. Latin alphabet. Paperback.
Tajna zla

Tajna zla

E. Autexier
Karitativni fond UPT, 2002.
Croatian. Latin alphabet. Paperback.
Tako sam susreo Boga

Tako sam susreo Boga

Hellmut Laun

That's how I met God is a book that offers an unusual conversion. Author Hellmut Laun guides us through his experience of encountering God's presence.

Biskupski ordinarijat, 1988.
Croatian. Latin alphabet. Paperback.