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Titles in our offer
Alzheimerova bolest i druge demencije - rano otkrivanje i zaštita zdravlja
The first book in Croatia on Alzheimer's disease, structured in terms of content through interdisciplinary gerontological research activity, with which eminent experts and scientists of various specialist professions deal with the health protection of the
Anti-aging: Uz pomoć enzima doživjeti stotu
Dyspraxia is a really frustrating condition. Although it has only a few physical manifestations, it can determine the life of an individual and turn the life of an entire family upside down.
Govor snova
Dies ist nicht nur ein Buch über Träume, es ist ein Buch über verschiedene Bereiche der menschlichen Erkenntnis.
Kirurgija : Simptomi i klinički pregled
Mayo Clinic o glavobolji: riješite problem glavobolje i smanjite njezin utjecaj na svoj svakodnevni život
Mayo Clinic o zdravlju prostate
Dieses Handbuch bietet zuverlässige, praktische und leicht verständliche Informationen zur Erkennung und Behandlung von Prostataerkrankungen.
Medicina iznutra
Trideset humorističnih priča na 640 stranica pokriva sve dijelove medicine, od toga kako mladež donosi odluku o studiju, preko istraživačkih pustolovina do financiranja u zdravstvu, različitih bolesti i smrti.