Matica srpska
Matice srpske 1
21101Novi Sad
Titles in our offer
Muzički leksikon (priručnik za ljubitelje muzike)
It is difficult, and it seems even impossible, to find a sufficiently comprehensive title to present a work as complex as this combination of a musical lexicon, a guide through symphonic, oratorio, chamber and opera music.
Neočekivane priče
Roald Dahl is known as one of the best children's authors of all time, a long-time consecutive winner of the "Author of the Year" award in Great Britain.
68 photos / City plan / Guide
Poslednji dani Pompeja
Psihologija deteta
Adler's book is useful for parents, educators and psychologists who want to better understand the psychological processes in children and how to help them develop into healthy and self-reliant individuals.
Sedam godina u Tibetu - Moj život na dvoru Dalaj Lame
"Breakdown" is a powerful and emotional depiction of war events, but at the same time a deep reflection on human destiny and collective experience.