Kršćanska sadašnjost
Marulićev trg 14 p.p. 434
Titles in our offer
Ecclesia de Eucharistia
Ecclesia de Eucharistia is the encyclical of Pope John Paul II. published on April 17, 2003. In it, the Pope emphasizes the key role of the Eucharist in the life of the Church.
Enciklika Crkvi u Hrvata
"Encyclical to the Church in Croatia" is a collection of speeches by the Holy Father John Paul II. during his visit to Croatia in September 1994, as well as his message to the Croatian Catholic youth in Split in 1996.
Etičnost i socijalnost na kušnji (socijalna problematika u Hrvatskoj)
Stjepan Baloban's book Ethics and Socialism on Trial is a valuable read because the social teaching of the Church brings it closer to anyone who is sincerely interested in that teaching.
Higijena duše
This book offers several clarifications and some practical advice that could be especially useful for parents and other educators.
Isus nekad i sad
Although the Bible is a perennial world bestseller, many people know very little about the life of Jesus.
Isusovi učenici – ilustrirana priručna enciklopedija
The seventh and last volume in the series The Bible and its history/Illustrated reference encyclopedia
Isus - Smisao mojeg života
"Jesus - The Meaning of My Life" is a book by Henri J. M. Nouwen, a well-known spiritual writer and theologian.