Harambašićeva 19
Titles in our offer
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Is your dog driving you crazy? Is he aggressive, nervous, timid or just tense?
Složna braća
They call themselves the Brethren: three disgraced former judges doing time in a Florida federal prison. One was sent up for tax evasion. Another, for skimming bingo profits. The third for a career-ending drunken joyride.
Slučaj smjerokaza
Translated, praised and read all over the world as the only true heir to the writing erudition of Umberto Eco, Iain Pears will keep you awake long after bedtime with his novel The Case of Smerkoaz.
Smrt i život Bobbyja Z-a
The Death and Life of Bobby Z bursts with dark humor, extraordinary dialogue and countless plot twists interwoven with the ease of storytelling characteristic of rare masters.
Soba košmara: Ormarić broj 13
Luke is about to start the school year at a new school and there's just no way he's going to leave anything to chance. He will wear his lucky T-shirt, clutch the lucky black rabbit fur paw in his pocket that has never failed, and bravely step into the unk
Spremna za novi početak
At thirty-seven years old, Cathy Alter is still treading a path paved with bad decisions, junk food, unpaid bills and too many unsuitable men.
Srušeni limeni krovovi - (Roman iz serijala o Daveu Robicheauxu)
In the summer of 2005, a storm more destructive than the bomb that once devastated Hiroshima threatens to wipe the southern part of the state of Louisiana off the face of the earth.
Kyle McAvoy is gifted with an exceptional legal mind and everything in his life would be perfect if he didn't have a dark secret that could destroy his dreams, his career, his life in an instant.