Titles in our offer
Put ne vodi u dolinu
Through vivid descriptions of landscapes, characters and their inner struggles, Koprivec creates a deep and emotional story about human destiny and the search for meaning in a world that has undergone great changes.
Put u Tolmin
"The Road to Tolmin" is a novel by Slovenian author Ciril Kosmač that explores themes of identity, belonging, and internal conflicts.
Sedam postotna otopina
The Seven Percent Solution is a 1974 novel by the American writer Nicholas Meyer. It was written as a pastiche of the adventures of Sherlock Holmes, and was filmed in the film of the same name in 1976. Published as "The Lost Manuscript" of the late Dr. Jo
Sluškinja Ančka
"The Maid Ančka" is a novel by Slovenian author Fran Saleški Finžgar that takes place in a rural setting.
Stari i novi razgovori s Krležom
These talks, started sometime in 1968, often stopped at considering the very form of this kind of talk.
Stari Zagreb
A classic work of Croatian historiography, published in 1941, which provides a fascinating overview of the historical development of Zagreb, from its earliest mentions to Szabin's time, and is an indispensable source for anyone who wants to better underst
Sveti Pavel
"Saint Paul" by Pavle Zidar explores the life and mission of the Apostle Paul, one of the most influential figures of early Christianity.
To je Tito
1000 of the most beautiful thoughts and reviews about the life and work of Josip Broz - Tito