39 dana juna
39 Days of June is a collection of the author's impressions of a visit to a city called Split, which once belonged to his homeland, and now belongs to the writer by language, friends, memories, choice and new definition.
Sometimes a book is said to be medicine. Perhaps this is why the author's introductory note is entitled "On indications, precautions and adverse reactions". When you read the book, something from the wide range offered by this title will appear among your impressions, for sure. Speaking of which, the title of the book is also associative. It is mostly a travelogue with an unobtrusive and very successfully realized intention to climb into literature, even when it recalls the elements of the daily chronicle. The text says it: this is something stronger than a month of living and observing, comparing and measuring everything in front of you, but also in yourself. Qualifications of life. That stretched month stopped in three cities, one place and the whole of Yugoslavia, but its denominator is still the visitation of one city and one spirit, separation and union. Spirit as soul and spirit as past.
One copy is available