Enciklopedija općeg znanja

Enciklopedija općeg znanja

Are you curious about why it took Darwin 20 years to publish his theory of evolution? How come we can't use a compass in the Arctic? Why did the princes Zrinski and Frankopan rebel?

ENCYCLOPEDIA OF GENERAL KNOWLEDGE will answer these and hundreds of other questions and will reveal to you in an exciting way everything you need to know about geography, biology, chemistry, physics, mathematics, history, language, art, politics and economics, and religion and philosophy, i.e. the 10 most important areas of science and culture. And what's best – this superb edition has been enriched with their knowledge by eminent Croatian scientists and experts. Learn how to quickly and easily calculate a percentage, read about the revolutionary Declaration on the Name and Position of the Croatian Literary Language during the Yugoslav Era, and discover all the details of the famous Boston Tea Party. From the Croatian Constitution, to the Venus of Willendorf, and all the way to DNA analysis, the Encyclopedia of General Knowledge will allow you to refresh your knowledge and gain new insights, but also provide your schoolchildren with a manual that will help them master the material from all school subjects. Truly the right book for the whole family!

Original title
Grundwissen fur jedermann
Jeny Ruđer, Ivana Čipor
Zoran Maljković
Graphics design
Metka Kosec
28 x 21.5 cm
Mozaik knjiga, Zagreb, 2012.
Latin alphabet. Hardcover.
Language: Croatian.

One copy is available


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