Grašcica 2g
Naslovi u ponudi
Čarobnjak rebusa
Umesto uobičajenih nezgoda i incidenata u koje upadaju dečaci kada prvo leto provedu bez roditelja.
Cic i Mic
Priča o ljubavi i toleranciji, a glavni junaci su dva nestašna mačića - Cic i Mic.
Čudesno putovanje
Incredible, but true! This is what this fairy tale seems to be - the journey of a small boy and an unusually festively dressed young man. A journey through space, time and life.
Damjan i štap života
A fairy tale about a distant and fantastic world that is slowly dying, about its inhabitants whose hearts have hardened and about the fearless boy Damjan who will bring faith, hope and inspiration for the good and noble to that world.
Dobar dan
The book is intended for school-age children, but also for adults as a reminder of the irreplaceability of our planet.
Dobroćudna čudovišta Hrvatske 1 : čudopis i putopis jadranske Hrvatske
Stanislav Marijanović, famous researcher of Monsters, in the picture book Benevolent Monsters of Croatia 1 reveals the appearance and characteristics of 16 of our Monsters that live along the Adriatic Sea.
Dobroćudna čudovišta Hrvatske 2 : čudopis i putopis kontinentalne Hrvatske
Stanislav Marijanović, the famous monster researcher, in the picture book Good Monsters of Croatia 2 – a miracle and travelogue of continental Croatia actually continues the journey started in the previous book that deals with Adriatic Croatia.
Drvosječa Tvrtko i fazan iz nebeskoga vrta
This picture book is a real fairy tale, although everything happens thanks to an ordinary, simple, good, just man, the woodcutter Company and the victory of faith over doubt, thoughtfulness over rashness, wisdom over greed, courage over certainty.
Enciklopedija čovjeka pisana rukom čudovišta
This unusual book, which was not created by human hands, was written, man, just about you and just you personally. They write many ugly things about you there, and the beautiful ones are almost kept silent. Only a monster could have written something like