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When the lambs fall silent is a thriller, based on which the movie of the same name was made. A maniacal serial killer finds his victims among beautiful girls whom he leaves skinned after the massacre. It is impossible to catch him.
Young FBI agent Clarice Starling is assigned the task of finding a missing woman and thereby saving her from a serial killer who skins his victims. Wanting to understand the killer's twisted mind, she begins a series of conversations with another psychopath, Hannibal Lecter, a once respected psychiatrist now imprisoned for cannibalism. FBI agent Jack Crawford believes that Lecter, himself an extremely intelligent and clever manipulator, has the answers to help them locate the killer. But Clarice's first task is to gain Lecter's trust... Jonathan Demme made a movie based on this novel in 1991 with Jodie Foster and Antony Hopkins in the lead roles.
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