Sedam znakova: Čudesa u Ivanovu evanđelju kao znakovi za ozdravljenje

Sedam znakova: Čudesa u Ivanovu evanđelju kao znakovi za ozdravljenje

Jörg Zink

The book "Seven Signs: Miracles in the Gospel of John as Signs for Healing" by Jörg Zink explores the miracles described in the Gospel of John and their meaning for modern life.

Zink interprets these miracles as symbolic signposts that direct us towards a deeper understanding of life and its possibilities.

The author uses the images of light, bread, wine, road and gate to illustrate the messages of Jesus and the secrets of life. The book was written with the aim of providing readers with existential meaning and inspiration for everyday life.

Marijan Cipra
Ivan Zirdum
19 x 12 cm
Karitativni fond UPT, Đakovo, 1997.
Latin alphabet. Paperback.
Language: Croatian.

One copy is available

Condition:Used, excellent condition

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