Veronika je odlučila umrijeti
Veronika, a twenty-four-year-old girl from Ljubljana, seems to have everything one could wish for: she is young and beautiful, surrounded by young men, has a harmonious family and a job that fulfills her. But there is something missing in her life.
One cold morning in November, Veronika takes a handful of sleeping pills in the hope that she will never wake up. But she wakes up - and in a psychiatric clinic, where she learns that she has only a few days left to live. Inspired by events from Coelho's life, the novel Veronika decided to die questions the concept of madness and glorifies individuals who do not fit into the patterns that society considers normal. Brave and instructive, this novel is a great portrait of a young woman who found herself at the crossroads of despair and liberation, and a poetic thanksgiving for every day as a new life opportunity. The book "VERONIKA DECIDED TO DIE" is one of the best-selling books ever. The story is set in neighboring Slovenia and begins with the attempted murder of young Veronika. After that she ends up in a notorious mental hospital where she is told she will die. In that mental hospital, she lived completely isolated from the world and social norms and lived among people who were and were not mentally ill. Some simply wanted to be there because outside those doors they were not accepted because of their behavior, appearance, thinking, etc. When Veronika finds out that she has about a week left to live, she starts living. Through her actions, the writer actually asks us what they would do to me if they found out we had 7 days left to live. In those few days, Veronika realized that all the guilt she was putting on others was actually her own. She had a good job, family, friends, but she was unhappy and didn't realize that she was to blame until she ended up in the hospital. Without shame, thinking, hesitation, she did everything she never did. You can find out for yourself what happens in the end.
This novel is not only inspiring but also encourages you to question whether you are living your life to the fullest. Coelho wants to show the individual that it is not okay to betray his identity and beliefs in order to conform to the majority, which we can see from his biography. Namely, in the book, Coelho also described his experiences from the mental hospital where he was imprisoned because he was different from others.
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