Suvremena prodaja: stvaranje vrijednosti za kupca

Suvremena prodaja: stvaranje vrijednosti za kupca

Barry L. Reece, Gerald L. Manning

Contemporary sales is a top selling textbook that follows the changing market conditions as well as the increasing expectations of customers. The purpose of each new edition of Contemporary Sales is to make this textbook as practical and applicable as pos

The book Contemporary Selling - Creating Customer Value provides a comprehensive overview of modern sales strategies with an emphasis on creating long-term customer value. The author(s) explore how the sales process has evolved from a traditional product-focused approach to modern methods focused on understanding customer needs, building relationships, and providing value-added solutions. Through theoretical concepts, practical examples and case studies, the book analyzes key aspects of sales management, negotiation, customer relationship management (CRM), as well as the impact of digitization and new technologies on sales processes. It is intended for students, managers, sales professionals and anyone who wants to improve their sales skills and understand how effective sales contribute to competitive advantage and long-term business success.

Original title
Contemporary sales
Zrinka Dujmović
26 x 20 cm
Mate d.o.o, Zagreb, 2008.
Latin alphabet. Hardcover.
Language: Croatian.

One copy is available


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