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Kolja Mićević, a poet and translator of great reputation, created an unspecified genre, but challenging and beautifully written essayistic prose in which he talks about his spiritual, intellectual and life experiences.
One of the first peculiarities of this prose is the doubling of the narrator, the "subject" of the prose into two equal and often simultaneous voices, one of which is designated as "I" and the other as "Kolja Mićević, translator". The first voice narrates love and all other experiences that happen to the subject in Paris and on trips to France and Africa; the second, which is really difficult to separate from the first, tells the story of his intellectual and spiritual adventures, which the translator enters into when he tries to convey, translate into his native language, a poetic statement created in a foreign language. In other words, Kolja Mičevič tells about the adventure that happens when thought and experience, poetically shaped in the matter of one language, lose their basic linguistic form and replace it with another. With this continuous interweaving of different experiences, Micevič achieved an unusual and attractive combination of private and non-private. personal and literary.
One copy is available