Zlatna knjiga španjolske poezije: od XII do XX stoljeća
Gonzalo de Berceo, Juan Ruiz, Marques de Santillana, Jorge Manrique, Gil Vicente, Garcilaso de La Vega, Fernando de Herrera, Fray Luis de Leon, San Juan de La Cruz, Luis de Gongora, Lope de Vega, Francisco de Quevedo, Pedro Calderon de La Barca, Gustavo Adolfo Becquer, Rosalia Castro, Ruben Dario, Migguel de Unamuno, Antonio Machado, Juan Ramon Himenes, Leon Felipe, Pedro Salinas, Jorge Guillen, Gerardo Diego, Federico García Lorca, Vicente Aleixandre, Rafael Alberti, Luis Cernuda, Manuel Altolaguirre, Miguel Hernandez, Gabriel Celaya, Blas de Otero, Leopoldo de Luis, Jose Luis Hidalgo, Jose Hierro, Eugenio de Nora, Jesus Lopez Pacheco
"O woman, you are not only God's creation but also human; these shower you with beauty from their hearts." These are the first words of this interesting book. It contains love letters written by celebrities and addressed to their loved ones.
Klub čitalaca Komunist, 1972.
Croatian. Latin alphabet. Hardcover with dust jacket.