Philosophical methodology
Dijalektički smisao naglih i skokovitih promena - primena u nauci
The book "Dialectical meaning of sudden and sudden changes - application in science" explores how dialectical methods can be applied to scientific changes and progress.
Hermeneutika individualnosti i ontološki strukturalizam
Istorija seksualnosti
Kant und das Problem der Metaphysik
Kritika rasudne snage
Along with the Critique of the Pure Mind and the Critique of the Practical Mind, this third major work of Kant's is one of the cornerstones of his philosophical building, but it also rounds off his entire view of the world.
Logika prirodnih i društvenih nauka
The author discusses the application of logic to the diverse scientific methods of the several natural and social sciences and to the humanities. He explores the potential for bringing scientific verification into the world of ideological controversy.
Logika: Teorija istraživanja
This antiquarian volume contains a detailed treatise on logic and the theory of 'Inquiry', as a development of ideas regarding the nature of logical theory that were first presented in Studies in Logical Theory.
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