"Viruses" is a novel about the intimacy of a fifty-year-old, about marriage, relationships between people, love, work, erotica, art... against disease, death, violence, politics, war.
Više nego ljudski
"More Than Human" is Sturgeon's masterpiece and one of the classic works of SF.
Više od svega
Više od bilo čega drugog, istražuje mnoge suprotstavljene zahteve braka i majčinstva, i elokventno upozorava da nikada nije moguće istinski poznavati nekoga – posebno one koje volimo.
Visoke trave
Zoran Žmirić's Tall Grass is an ode to friendships that should last forever, a book about a generation whose dreams were forcibly stolen, but never stopped saving them...
Vitamini za dušu
100 surprising words of wisdom that will make your day more beautiful
Vitez templar
The Knight Templar is the second part of the extremely popular historical trilogy about the age of the Crusades.
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