Croatian literature
Koordinate straha / dijagrami nestajanja
It is the first book of poetry that deals entirely with depression, frenzy, mobbing, and loss of identity.
Košulja sretnog čovjeka: Filozofske i srodne priče
The book represents a kind of anthology of poetic reflections on the beauty and meaning of our life. It is complex and harmoniously consistent with its presentation, polished like crystal.
Kozmički pijetao
Zlatko Tomičić (Zagreb, May 26, 1930 – Zagreb, June 16, 2008) was a Croatian journalist, writer, publicist, publisher, poet, travel writer, playwright, short story writer, essayist, novelist, author of visual representations and columnist.
What happens when the writer himself is the protagonist of his novel and writes it in the first person? The answer to this question can be obtained by reading the novel "Krasopis".
Kratke ljubavne priče o ženama, ženama, opet ženama i ponekom muškarcu
Lana Biondić is the author of the book "Life on High Heels", which became a bestseller and brought the whole of Croatia to its feet.
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