History of religion
Egipatska magija
All about the magic of ancient Egypt: the role of magic in controlling the gods, powerful amulets that protected against evil spirits, scarab immortality, the use of wax images, formulas and spells, the secret name, etc.
Ekumenska trilogija: istočni kršćani, pravoslavni, protestanti
Ilustrirana Biblija - Novi zavjet
Stories from the New Testament, from the birth of Jesus to his death and resurrection, as well as the journeys of the apostles, are told clearly and vividly.
Isusov brat
A book about the find that caused perhaps the greatest astonishment in the history of archeology - an inscription believed to be the first archaeological evidence of Jesus of Nazareth. With a foreword by Andre Laimaire.
Jesus aus Nazareth. Ein Leben.
The Jesus that the reader encounters in this book is the historical Jesus - but at the same time also the biblical Christ for our time: This book thrives on this tension and gains its special nature.
Junaci antičkih mitova
Heroes of Ancient Myths by Vojtech Zamarowski is a lexicon of Greek and Roman mythology described through the heroes of ancient myths: Greek and Roman gods, heroes, and heroines. The alphabetical list of heroes allows for quick and easy searching.
Klasična kultura islama I
Kraj čarolije: religija kao prirodna pojava
The author tries to consider religion as a phenomenon that separates human beings from the rest of the animal world by creating certain beliefs. With their help, man overcomes his genetic imperatives.
Religion & Beliefs
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