Social Science
Istraživanje tržišta
Market research has been present for decades as an activity that helps in business decision-making. Understanding and applying market research have become an important and serious component of business.
Isusov brat
A book about the find that caused perhaps the greatest astonishment in the history of archeology - an inscription believed to be the first archaeological evidence of Jesus of Nazareth. With a foreword by Andre Laimaire.
IT u primjeni
Manager's guide to the application of information technology systems.
Izabrana djela 1-3
Izazovi menadžmenta u XXI. stoljeću
Management challenges in the XXI century. century is a book that strives to provide the reader with a current insight into today's entire business environment, into the ideas, skills and power that the job of managers and executives provides.
Iznenadni napad: Munjeviti udari svjetskih elitnih postrojbi
Izravni marketing
Direct marketing certainly represents one of the most dynamic areas of marketing, which has changed both techniques and tools of action during its development.
Social Science
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