Upravni sistemi 1-2.

Upravni sistemi 1-2.

Eugen Pusić

Part I includes topics such as systems of human cooperation, management development, II. part deals with administrative systems in Yugoslavia.

Part I:

  • System

  • Systems of human cooperation

  • Administrative systems

  • Management development

  • Pre-state forms of governance

  • Development of states and state administration

  • The domination of the state and the transformation of the administration

Part II:

  • Administrative systems in Yugoslavia

  • Introduction

  • Territorial administrative system in Yugoslavia

  • Functional administrative system in Yugoslavia

  • Associative administrative system

Viktor Kipčić
Graphics design
Zoran Pavlović
23.5 x 17 cm
Pages total
Grafički zavod Hrvatske (GZH), Zagreb, 1985.
Latin alphabet. Hardcover with dust jacket.
Language: Croatian.

The book consists of two volumes.

Jedan višetomni primjerak je u ponudi.

Upravni sistemi 1-2.
Volume 1
Pages: 507
Condition:Used, excellent condition
Upravni sistemi 1-2.
Volume 2
Pages: 368
Condition:Used, excellent condition

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