Povrće iz vlastita vrta

Povrće iz vlastita vrta

Darko Kantoci, Biserka Stojić

In order to make your work easier, the book contains many instructions on soil preparation, fertilization and planting and care of some of the most common types of vegetables in our country.

In order to improve the quality of nutrition and thus add years to life, and life to years, it is necessary to consume vegetables every day because they are an excellent source of vitamins, minerals and plant fibers, which are necessary for the proper functioning of the body. If you have never cultivated your garden, you need to make a planting or sowing plan and consult with an expert, or more simply, get a book on growing vegetables in which you will find more than 180 color pages of instructions on growing, fertilizing and caring for certain types of vegetables. There is a lot of work in the vegetable garden, but if you understand the work in the vegetable garden as a recreation that is necessary for you, and if you keep in mind that the vegetables you produce are exactly what you wanted and what you need, then you have no choice but to get this book right away and everything you need and start arranging the garden around your house.

Vitomir Patko
Bejo Zaden, Enza Zaden
20 x 14 cm
Gospodarski list d.d., Zagreb, 2001.
Distribution: 5,000 copies
Latin alphabet. Paperback.
Language: Croatian.

One copy is available

Condition:Used, excellent condition

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