Fruit & Vegetable
Bolesti i štetočine povrća i njihovo suzbijanje
This book deals with the topic of protecting vegetables from diseases and pests.
Glasnik zaštite bilja
Means for plant protection in 2010
Gnojidba poljoprivrednih kultura
Fertilization, one of the most important agrotechnical measures, in this century largely depends on the production of organic and mineral fertilizers.
Gnojidba povrća i cvijeća
Nitrogen fertilizers, complex npk fertilizers, florins, fertins, vegetables in human diet, nutrition and fertilization of vegetables, organic fertilizers...
Gnojidba ratarskih kultura
Basics of plant nutrition, basics of fertilization, types of fertilizers, production program, fertilization of plants (arable crops, lawns, fodder crops)...
Gnojidba voćnjaka i vinograda
Basics of plant nutrition, production program of the mineral fertilizer factory in Kutina, fertilization of fruit trees and vines, meliorative fertilization of orchards and vineyards, active fertilization of fruit trees, regular fertilization of vineyards
Gusta sadnja jabuka
The book is useful for farmers and fruit specialists who want to optimize their plantations and increase yield.
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