The best of Mujo & Haso
Anthology of jokes
"It is said that once upon a time, at the beginning of the nineteenth century, two friends, Mustafa Muminović and Hasan Čehajić, lived in the area of Usora and Sola (today's Tuzla). They allegedly engaged in trade, however, through precise research into their origins, historians have proven that these " two jarans" were actually small-time smugglers, fraudsters and cutthroats the likes of which the world had never seen or met. Further research led to the conclusion that Mujo and Haso were of Ismaili origin, this claim is supported by the fact that the "jarans" were neither of Catholic origin nor Orthodox, and therefore jokes about their adventures are gladly told in all areas of the Serbian-Croatian-Bosnian speaking area. The famous historian Mehmedalija Bojić in his historical book "Bosnia and Bosniaks - with reference to the figure and work of Muja and Hasa" writes: "From the Tatar steppes and from the territory of Bulgaria, which in the 9th and 10th centuries spread across the lower reaches of the Drina, Sava and Danube , Islam began to spread quite early through various sects. From there, at the end of the 10th century, larger groups of Muslims arrived and settled in the Bosnian Banat (area of Usora and Soli - later Tuzla). It is assumed that the distant ancestors of our heroes Mustafa and Hasan came to this area and settled there. The land was suitable for planting potatoes and plums, which were used to make "krumpiruša" (a type of pie) and "šljivovica" (homemade brandy). Fed with "potatoes" and drunk with "plum wine", the distant ancestors of Muja and Hasa went on their merry journeys across the Drina and Sava, leaving behind various adventures, petty frauds and some tricks." - Mehmedalija Bojić
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