Ova jedina zemlja (Idemo li u katastrofu ili treću revoluciju?)

Ova jedina zemlja (Idemo li u katastrofu ili treću revoluciju?)

Rudi Supek

Supek emphasizes the need for global cooperation and responsibility to ensure the sustainability of our planet.

The book "Ova jedina zemlja" by Rudi Supek, published in 1973, represents a significant ecological and sociological study. In this book, Supek explores the devastation of the natural environment, using data available up to 1972, as well as examples of disasters such as Bhopal in India and Chernobyl.

The main theme of the book is a critique of human impact on the environment and a call for change to prevent further damage.

Graphics design
Ivo Friščić
19 x 11.5 cm
Naprijed, Zagreb, 1973.
Latin alphabet. Paperback.
Language: Croatian.

One copy is available

Condition:Used, excellent condition
Damages or inconvenience notice:
  • Traces of patina

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