Sulejman Veličanstveni 1-3
In the book about Suleiman, you will discover everything about the Croat at Suleiman's court who was the first to find out about the sultan's secret slave girl and their fatal love.
In addition to the story of Zadran, who was the first to describe how Sulejman blindly obeys Hurem, there is also a historical episode about the brave captain from Senj who first defeated Sulejman, as well as authentic historical information about the Croatian vizier who had Sulejman's children executed.
The second part reveals the most hidden secrets of life in Suleiman's harem, and there is also a passionate story about how the red-haired Hurem really took Suleiman to bed, why he stopped loving his first wife and what bothered him the most about Vizier Ibrahim.
In the third part, the bloody deeds of Suleiman and the plots of his Hurem, because of which he killed his children and because of which he suffered for the rest of his life, are revealed to the end.
- A true story of love, slavery and death
- Secrets of the sultan's harem
- The Sultan's unknown passions
The book consists of 3 volumes.
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