Antique books

Tito Dorčić

Tito Dorčić

Vjenceslav Novak
Matica hrvatska, 1906.
Croatian. Latin alphabet. Hardcover.
Toma Splićanin, državnik i pisac: 1200.-1268.

Toma Splićanin, državnik i pisac: 1200.-1268.

Cherubin Šegvić
Matica hrvatska, 1927.
Croatian. Latin alphabet. Hardcover.


Božo Lovrić
Matica hrvatska, 1941.
Croatian. Latin alphabet. Hardcover.
Tri simfonije

Tri simfonije

Miroslav Krleža
Društvo hrvatskih književnika, 1917.
Croatian. Latin alphabet. Paperback.
Triumf i tragika Erazma Roterdamskog / Pohvala gluposti

Triumf i tragika Erazma Roterdamskog / Pohvala gluposti

Stefan Zweig, Erazmo Roterdamski

The back cover is a facsimile of the cover "In Praise of Folly" from 1521 - the original is kept in the Zagreb University Library.

Binoza, 1936.
Croatian. Latin alphabet. Paperback with dust jacket.
Tri vesele igre: Stričeva oporuka / Prva kiša / Začarani ormar

Tri vesele igre: Stričeva oporuka / Prva kiša / Začarani ormar

Ferdo Ž. Miler

First edition from 1897. Hard, beautiful original binding of the time, perfectly preserved. He owns the Ex Libris of the Truhelka family from Osijek.

Matica hrvatska, 1897.
Croatian. Latin alphabet. Hardcover.


Aleksandar Ugrenović
Jugoslavenska akademija znanosti i umjetnosti, 1953.
Croatian. Latin alphabet. Paperback with dust jacket.
Tumač obćemu austrijskomu gradjanskomu zakoniku I - II

Tumač obćemu austrijskomu gradjanskomu zakoniku I - II

Adolf Rušnov

The General Austrian Civil Code, published in 1811, represents the second significant codification of civil law in Europe after the famous French Code Civil from 1804. OGZ in Croatia and Slavonia was introduced in 1852, when imperial patent no. 246.

Knjižarnica Lavoslava Hartmana, 1891.
Croatian. Latin alphabet. Hardcover.
The book consists of two volumes
Učenik - roman jednoga mladića

Učenik - roman jednoga mladića

Paul Bourget
Naklada kraljevske zemaljske tiskare, 1920.
Croatian. Latin alphabet. Hardcover.
Učilištna i domašnaja Biblija: Stari zavjet

Učilištna i domašnaja Biblija: Stari zavjet

Platon Atanacković

The first printed edition of the translation (parts) of the Bible from Church Slavonic to Serbian by Bishop Platon Atanacković. The book contains 21 copperplate engravings made by Viennese masters, each of which is signed.

Štamparija mehitarista, 1857.
Serbian. Cyrillic alphabet. Hardcover.