Romance Novels
Roman iz serije Znak ljubavi. Tenleigh Falin se svakodnevno bori da preživi u siromašnom rudarskom gradu u kojem živi sa svojom sestrom i mentalno bolesnom majkom.
Ladanjska kuća
The house of the famous actor Cooper Winslow is one of the most beautiful in Hollywood, and its owner, despite his age, is one of the most desirable men for whom women sigh all over the world.
Ladanjski susreti / Prokletstvo prošlosti
Matilda Goodnight is a talented painter from a wacky family who has been running an art gallery for generations.
Lissin put u sreću
Little Cowgirl Needs A Mum / Once Upon A Proposal
Ljubav je opasna igra
Ljubav je sve što nam treba
A city girl comes to an idyllic snow-covered province on business... And there she stumbles upon the man of her dreams.
Ljubav mog života
Ljubavna obmana u Španjolskoj
Elena Armas is a Spanish writer, a self-deprecating and hopeless romantic and, much to Mr. B's dismay, a proud book collector. She is the author of the bestseller Love Deception in Spain and its sequel The American Roommate Experiment.
- A philosophical novel
- A war novel
- Albanian literature
- American literature
- Ancient literature
- Anthology
- Aphorisms and jokes
- Arabic literature
- Bosnian literature
- British literature
- Bulgarian literature
- Chinese literature
- Comedy
- Croatian literature
- Czech literature
- Detective Stories
- Entertaining literature
- Epic Fantasy
- Epic literature
- Epistolary literature
- Erotic Novels
- Essays and diaries
- Fantastic literature
- Folk literature
- Francuska književnost
- German literature
- Hispanic American literature
- Historical novel
- History of literature
- Horror/Gothic
- Humor and Satire
- Hungarian literature
- Indian literature
- Iranian literature
- Italian literature
- Japanese literature
- Latin literature
- Literary criticism
- Literary Theory
- Macedonian literature
- Montenegrin literature
- Moral and didactic literature
- Movie Script
- Novel
- Novele
- Plays
- Poems in prose
- Poetry
- Polish literature
- Portuguese literature
- Proverbs and maxims
- Romance Novels
- Russian literature
- Sayings, thoughts, aphorisms, proverbs
- Scandinavian literature
- School reading
- Science Fiction
- Serbian literature
- Short Stories
- Short stories
- Slovenian literature
- Social literature
- Spanish literature
- Summaries and adaptations of literary works
- Teen Novels
- Thriller
- Tragedy
- Turkish literature
- A practical book
- Alternative
- Art
- Children's books
- Collectables
- Collections and chronologies
- Comics
- Encyclopedia, Dictionaries & Lexicons
- Facsimile editions
- Fun games
- History
- Homeland book
- Journalism
- Literature
- Monography
- Natural Science
- Periodicals
- Philosophy
- Religion & Beliefs
- Social Science
- Technology Books
- University textbooks