German literature
Ispovijest jednog turista
Hearing in "Confessions of a Tourist", the author turned the material for conversations, conducted for the press over the years, into a fictitious hearing in which questions are asked about politics, adventures, literature, criticism...
Karlo i XX. stoljeće
The story of Karl Lakner, caught in the huge world machine of capitalism. A political and economic visionary novel by Rudolf Brunngraber from the 1930s.
Kradljivac vrhova
The thief of the peaks is a book with a dose of the finest philosophical-Lacrdian humor that can be read as a guide to solving small and large life puzzles.
Kralj petroleja
The Oil Prince is a story by Karl May that he wrote for the magazine Der Gute Kamerad between August 1892 and the beginning of 1893. The story of the same name, Der Oelprinz, which was published in 1878, is not a precursor to this famous youth story.
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