British literature
Robinson Crusoe
"Robinson Crusoe" is an adventure novel by Daniel Defoe published in 1719. The story follows the young man Robinson Crusoe, who, despite his father's desire to lead a peaceful life, decides to become a sailor.
Romeo i Giulietta
We present the earliest of the famous tragedies Romeo and Juliet by the English playwright and poet William Shakespeare in a translation by Josip Torbarina.
Šaka Božja
„The Fist of God“ von Frederick Forsyth, dem Autor von „Der Tag des Schakals“, „Der Fall Odessa“ und vielen anderen Romanen, ist ein spannender Spionageroman, in dem Mike Martin nach einer irakischen Geheimwaffe sucht, mit der Saddam Hussein es vorhat um
Saturday Night and Sunday Morning
First American edition. A cult classic about working-class life in post-war Nottingham. For Arthur Seaton, a worker in a bicycle factory, life is one long battle with authority. You don't have to give Arthur more than one chance to foreman.
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