Bogataš i siromah
Siblings Rudy, Tom and Gretchen Jordache grow up in a small town on the Hudson River.
Bogorodičina crkva u Parizu
At the center of Hugo's monumental work and one of the most significant novels of French literature, there are three exceptional characters caught in a web of passion and revenge.
Jozo Laušić's prose, Bogumil, is the fifth novel of the planned pentalogy. Four novels were previously published: Kostolomi, Opsada, Klačina and Samostan, so the faces of this fifth novel appear earlier.
Boja ubojstva Bee Larkham
Try to act normal and maintain eye contact. Don't wave your arms and don't sway. Don't worry about your colors. Whatever you do, don't tell anyone what you did to Bee Larkham.
Bolja polovica hrabrosti
The novel "The Better Half of Courage" (1972), by the Croatian writer Ivan Slamnig, is considered our first true postmodernist novel.
Bolja polovica hrabrosti
Bolje se rodit bez one stvari nego bez sriće
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