Social Science
Nuklearna energija i međunarodno pravo
Nuklearne strategije supersila
Nunamiuti: među eskimima na Aljaski
Nunamiut - Eskimos (Labrador Algonquian: those who eat raw meat or, according to recent interpretations, those who knit snowshoes; they call themselves Inuit: people, singular Inuk), the population of the Arctic region.
Nürnberg: Osobno svjedočanstvo o suđenju glavnim nacističkim ratnim zločincima 1945-1946. godine
Airey Neave's book "Nuremberg" provides a detailed look at the historical trial against major Nazi leaders after World War II, known as the Nuremberg Trials (1945–1946).
Obim, struktura i učestalost krivičnih dela protiv dostojanstva ličnosti i morala sa posebnim osvrtom na područje uže Srbije
Special edition from the proceedings of the Institute for Criminological and Sociological Research, number 3.
Obrazovanje na raskrsnici
Obrazovanje za sve ? : ogled o obrazovanju kao činiocu : društvene strukture
Odbjegli svijet : Kako globalizacija oblikuje naše živote
This book contains lectures by sociologist Anthony Giddens on the state of the world at the end of the twentieth century. Globalization, risk, tradition, family and democracy are key and unavoidable topics in understanding the state and changes of the mod
Social Science
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