Mate d.o.o
Masarykova 24
Titles in our offer
Bogatstvo na dnu ekonomske piramide
Revised and updated 5th anniversary edition. Eradication of poverty through profit.
Budućnost menadžmenta
A guide to creating tomorrow's best practices today. A call to slowly discard outdated systems and processes, and to start talking about management in a new and different way.
Damodaran o valuaciji
The ability to value assets is a key skill in a wide range of professional settings: from corporate finance to portfolio management and strategy.
This book provides a thorough introduction to economics, covering microeconomic and macroeconomic principles.
Ekonomija novca, bankarstva i financijskih tržišta
The book Economics of Money, Banking and Financial Markets provides a detailed insight into the functions of money, the role of banks and the dynamics of financial markets, analyzing their impact on the economy and monetary policy.
Ekonomija za menadžere u svjetskoj privredi
The book applies economic theory (micro and macroeconomics) and methods of decision science analysis to examine how an organization can most effectively achieve its goals or objectives.
Elon Musk: Kako milijarder i čelnik Spacexa i Tesle oblikuje našu budućnost
The book follows the life of Elon Musk, the most effective entrepreneur of our time, from his childhood to his time at Zip2 and PayPal, and then at SpaceX, Tesla and SolarCity.
Englesko-hrvatski ekonomski rječnik / Hrvatsko-engleski ekonomski rječnik
The new, revised and updated edition of the English-Croatian and Croatian-English business dictionary in two volumes is valuable to business people, at a time of almost daily new economic terms that accompany numerous changes in business theory and practi