Matica srpska
Matice srpske 1
21101Novi Sad
Naslovi u ponudi
"Breakdown" is a powerful and emotional depiction of war events, but at the same time a deep reflection on human destiny and collective experience.
Stranica ljubavi
The novel "The Page of Love" by Émil Zola follows the life of a young widow and a doctor, who are brought together by the illness of the widow's twelve-year-old daughter.
The novel Trovačnica was published in sequels during 1876, and in book form in 1877. It is a story about a woman's struggle for happiness in the working class of Paris.
U ključalom loncu
Glavni lik, Žan Makar, je siromašni radnik koji radi na pariskoj železnici. Kroz njegovu priču, roman istražuje teme društvene nejednakosti, borbe za opstanak i uticaja sredine na pojedinca.
Uspon Rugonovih
Roman se bavi prirodom i društvenom istorijom jedne porodice tokom Drugog carstva. Glavni junaci su članovi porodica Rugon i Makari, a radnja se odvija u Francuskoj.
Za filozofiju novog razvoja
For the philosophy of new development, the author François Peru represents an important work that deals with the economic and social aspects of development.