Život nastaje iz života
„Life Is Born of Life“ ist ein Buch, das auf Aufzeichnungen von Gesprächen während Morgenspaziergängen zwischen Śrīla Prabhupāda und seinem Schüler Thoudam D. Singh, einem organischen Chemiker, basiert.
Život nastaje iz života
Život nastaje iz života
Životopis sv. Klare i njezini spisi
Život!: Promišljanja na vašem putu
Louise constantly reminds you that the magnificent, terrifying, wonderful, funny, astonishing phenomenon we experience between birth and death is what life is all about.
Život Vivekanande / Univerzalno evanđelje
A book about Swami Vivekananda (1863-1902), one of the most influential Hindus of modern times, in which Romain Rolland documents his life and teachings.
Život za Krista
"Life for Christ" is a 2004 book written by Hilde Firtel.
Zlatna grana: proučavanje magije i religije
In The Golden Bough, Frazer examines a multitude of myths and folktales from the most diverse cultures and times and points out the striking similarities between them. Among his subjects are magic and sorcery, the nature of the soul and religion, great li
Znak nade
Znanost ne isključuje vjeru
"Science Does Not Exclude Religion" (2015) by Luka Marković explores the relationship between science and religion, emphasizing how they are not mutually exclusive, but can complement each other.
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