Moralni kapitalizam: mirenje privatnog interesa s javnim dobrom
Knjiga se bavi razmatranjem mogućnosti pomirenja privatnih interesa i javnog dobra u zadanoj paradigmi globalne ekonomije i na tragu univerzalnih CRT načela društveno odgovornog poduzetništva.
Its author is the CEO of the Caux Round Table, a network of the most influential global industry leaders, and as a professor of commercial law he was dean of Hamline School of Law and vice dean of Harvard Law School. The book represents a radical departure from the apologetic reading of the social-Darwinist understanding of capitalism, with the aim of providing the reader with a reliable moral compass for their own judgments and decisions about managing themselves and leading others in real business life. It considers the fundamental principles of socially responsible entrepreneurship and sustainable business development based on the assumption of professional and ethical responsibility of company managers. With its content, it fits perfectly into the current reflections on the National Standards of Corporate Governance and our discussions on the development strategy of the Croatian economy and civil society. In the part where the principles of business ethics are explained and exemplary solutions for company codes of conduct are given, the book will be a valuable advisor to everyone who understands that the concept of brutal, corrupt and socially irresponsible capitalism is not a good path in the 21st century.
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