Folk literature
Hrvatsko ime u narodnoj predaji i običajima Bosne i Hercegovine
Ivan Zovko, writer and folklorist, is one of the most prolific recorders of Croatian folk treasures in the area of Herceg-Bosnia. He visited every place in BiH and collected folk songs.
Medvjed i lisica / Višeput prevareni vuk: Hrvatske narodne pripovijetke
The short story "The Bear and the Fox" was published by Fehim H. Baščausević in the magazine Behar Vi/3 in 1905. "Višeput prevareni vuk" was published in 1883 by Nikola Tordinac in the book Croatian Folk Songs and Tales from Bosnia.
Pevač priča
Priča o tri graha / Mali pastir: Slovenske narodne pripovijetke
The story of the three beans was written by Eva Zokševa in the collection "Narodne praljivca iz Prekomurje", while the Istrian story Little Shepherd was written by J. Benigar, and was published in "Slovenski glasnik" in 1866.
Siljan roda: Makedonska narodna pripovijetka
Siljan, the hero of this story, is sometimes a boy, sometimes a stork, so it is no wonder that we meet people who have something animal in them and animals who think, speak and act like people - wise men and fools, warriors and cowards.
Siromašno momče i lisica: Makedonska narodna pripovijetka
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