Čovjek između
Crna kazaljka
This poetry collection was created during Gotovac's recovery in Rogaška Slatina and is itself an attempt at spiritual and poetic recovery after years of incarceration as a political prisoner.
Cvjetovi nutrine
The book "Cvjetovi nutrine" is the first independent poetry and art collection by Azenia Relić.
Cvjetovi zla
The Flowers of Evil is a collection of poetry by Charles Baudelaire that includes almost all of his poetry, written from 1840 until his death. First published in 1857, it was important in the Symbolist and Modernist movements. The book comes with a gramop
Cvrčci u trubi: antologija hrvatske antiratne poezije
In Croatia, pacifist poetry appeared as a strong response to war violence, and emerged from the depths of suffering as a form of resistance to war and violence. At the same time, this poetry expressed uncontrolled anger and hope, intuition and memory.
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