Isus - Smisao mojeg života
"Jesus - The Meaning of My Life" is a book by Henri J. M. Nouwen, a well-known spiritual writer and theologian.
Ivan Merz: Putokaz suvremenom naraštaju
"Ivan Merz: A Guide to the Contemporary Generation" is a book that presents the life and work of Ivan Merz, a Croatian saint and Catholic intellectual.
Ivan Pavao II. - Autobiografija
Između želja i stvarnosti: O životnim stranputicama i iluzijama
Throughout the book, Meves analyzes life's detours and illusions that often accompany our aspirations, providing psychological insights and advice for a better understanding of ourselves and our goals.
Ja i svagdanja stvarnost
"I and Everyday Reality" is a book by Vojko Devetak that deals with everyday life and reality through the author's unique perspective. The book explores various aspects of everyday situations, offering deep insights and reflections on life.
Jer ja želim živjeti: Oslobodih se ovisnosti
"Because I want to live: I got rid of addiction" is a book written by Kris, which describes his personal struggle with addiction and the road to recovery.
Kad velim Bog
The book "Hidden God - Attempts at the interface between philosophy and theology" by Stjepan Kušar explores various aspects of theodicy, Christian monotheism, analogy and other philosophical and theological topics.
Kako da nađem smisao života
This book explores various aspects of human existence and offers guidelines for finding meaning in life.
Kako gay postaje ok: Kako racionalizacija homoseksualnoga ponašanja dovodi do sveopće promjene
Kamo idemo? (Orijentacione točke)
How can upbringing be successful without reliable authority, how can an addiction be cured without real life values?
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