Politika u Hrvatskoj
Frano Supilo was a prominent Croatian politician and journalist, known for his work at the beginning of the 20th century, especially in the context of the Yugoslav movement and the fight against Hungarianization and Germanization.
Pregled historije NOB / Pregled narodnooslobodilačkog rata i revolucije naroda Jugoslavije
This book provides a deeper insight into the history of the NOB and contributes to the understanding of that key period in Yugoslav history.
Pregled nauke o međunarodnim odnosima na Zapadu
This manuscript, written in 1965, covers topics such as politics, diplomacy, economics and security.
Prešućeni trijumf liberalizma
"The Silent Triumph of Liberalism: On the Practical Importance of Freedom 1989-2019" is a book by economist Velimir Šonje and philosopher and sociologist Darko Polšek to mark the thirtieth anniversary of the fall of the Berlin Wall and open the question o
Recepti za jezikovu juhu
Polystylistic analysis of the poetic work of Branko Maleš
Strani privatni kapital i razvoj nerazvijenih zemalja - Neka iskustva Azije
The book explores the role of foreign capital in the development of underdeveloped countries. This book studies experiences from Asia and analyzes how foreign capital can contribute to economic progress.
The Breakdown of Nations
This book shows that throughout history people who have lived in small states, where political leaders are accessible rather than remote, are happier, more peaceful, more creative and more prosperous.
The Declaration of Independence and the Constitution of the United States of America
A pocket edition of America's founding documents.
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