Social Science
Kolekcija Eros 1: Predbračni seksualni život
The book "Premarital Sexual Life" by Paolo Monteleone and Federico Rumis, published in 1968, deals with the topic of sexuality before marriage.
Komentar Osnovnom zakonu o braku
The book provides a detailed analysis and interpretation of the marriage laws then in force.
Komunikacije u dopisnom obrazovanju
Komunisti protiv komunjara : logično testiranje perestrojke
Konačna nada
Three messages to a worried world!
Korkyrella n. gen. (dasycladaceae) iz Gornjeg Barema i Donjeg Apta otoka Korčule
Korporatizam: Tajna vlada novog svjetskog poretka
The book is about the enslavement and destruction of human consciousness and the human spirit by huge monopolistic global corporations that control resources, land, war, medicine, information, food, water, education and thought.
Korupcija u hrvatskom zdravstvu
The book in front of you was written with the intention of clarifying the basic concepts related to corruption in health systems.
Kraljevina Jugoslavija za četvrti razred građanskih škola trgovinskog smjera
Kratka osnova horvatsko-slavenskoga pravopisaňa
A reprint of Gaje's writings Short basis from 1830 published in Zagreb, 1983 with a commentary by Josip Bratulić on the "free sheet".
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