Social Science
Talijanska gramatika - Grammatica italiana
Italian grammar for primary and secondary schools, for everyone who wants to learn Italian grammar. Appendix - picture dictionary with 500 most important Italian words in pictures.
Talijansko-hrvatski ili srpski rječnik
Tamna strana ekrana
The book is the result of many years of work by editors and collaborators and monitoring and analysis of domestic and foreign research on the impact of the media on children, youth and adults.
Teaching English as a Foreign Language For Dummies
Tehnologija i društveni um. Promišljanja kanadskih filozofa : Innis, McLuhan, Grant
Tehnološka zavisnost i privredni razvoj
The topic of technological dependence and economic development is important in the modern world.
Temelji ekonomske analize prava
Economic analysis of law encompasses all subject areas that are important for any legal system and non-economic factors. The author provides an overview of topics that connect economics and legal sciences.
Temelji jezika
Roman Jakobson's "Foundations of Language" is one of the most famous works of literary theory.
Social Science
- Anthropology
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- Grammar & Spelling
- Kriminologija
- Language & linguistics
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