Almanac of Christian Trivia: A Miscellany of Oddities, Instructional Anecdotes, Little-Known Facts and Occasional Frivolity
An instructive and entertaining book about Christianity, written in an anecdotal manner, with quiz questions. A great gift!
Why is Easter not on the same day every year? Where did the song "Kum Ba Yah" come from and what exactly does it mean? Why do we not know how to pronounce God's name correctly? What is the definition of those theological words such as eschatology? hermeneutics? supralapsarianism? Can I join the Fellowship of Christian Cowboys? Who was Saint Patrick and is it true that he was not Irish? How come almost every hotel room has a Gideon's Bible? Steve Wilkens offers answers and thoughts on these and many other questions in this thoroughly informative and often entertaining compendium of things you should have learned in Sunday School, but somehow didn't.
One copy is available