Korporatizam: Tajna vlada novog svjetskog poretka
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Korporatizam: Tajna vlada novog svjetskog poretka

Jeffrey Grupp

The book is about the enslavement and destruction of human consciousness and the human spirit by huge monopolistic global corporations that control resources, land, war, medicine, information, food, water, education and thought.

The book explores the influence of large monopolistic corporations on global society. Grupp argues that these corporations control key resources such as food, water, energy, information and education, leading to the enslavement and destruction of the human mind and spirit. The author describes corporatism as the combination of a powerful, centralized government and large corporations, resulting in an undemocratic system that shapes the behavior and thinking of citizens. The book also analyzes how corporatism affects various aspects of society, including economics, politics and culture, and warns of the dangers of such a system for individual freedoms and democratic values.

Original title
Mario Šavorić
Darko Imenjak
23.5 x 16.5 cm
Teledisk, Zagreb, 2007.
Latin alphabet. Paperback.
Language: Croatian.

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