Detective Stories
Ne napuštaj me
Lindsey is convinced that her ex-husband is stalking her, even though he claims to have changed. But has Andrew really become a different person or does Lindsey want to harm someone much more dangerous?
Nestala bez traga
On the day she was abducted, Annie O'Sullivan, a thirty-two-year-old realtor, had three goals: sell the house, forget the latest fight with her mother, and make it to dinner with her boyfriend in time.
Two students of an acting school will fake their own kidnapping, and an investigating psychologist will be invited to perform their psychological examination, which will turn out to be a very easy job because the case will soon be closed.
Nestali na nebu
When Thea finds herself on a hijacked plane somewhere over the Libyan desert, her priority is to take care of two boys rescued from the war in Africa, who are now traveling with her to a new family in London.
Neznanac te gleda
Trying to continue life after the brutal murder of wife and mother Nina Peterson...
Nicolae – Uspon Antikrista
In Nicolae, the most explosive of the three books so far, the end of the first quarter of the seven-year martyrdom is approaching when, as the prophecy says, the "wrath of the Lamb" will descend on the earth.
Noćna grabežljivica
If a Nocturnal Predator is watching you, you're already dead... On a hellishly hot summer night, Detective Erika Foster is called to the scene of a murder. The victim, a well-known doctor, was found suffocated in his bed.
Dr. Kay Scarpetta's first case. And while police lieutenant Pete Marino and Benton Wesley, the FBI's specialist in criminal psychology, go round and round trying to get inside the killer's deranged mind.
Mario Puzo collected material for more than ten years for the story about the darkest Italian family, the Borgias, but he was unable to finish it. It was done by his lifelong companion, the writer Carol Gino.
Obratnica noći
Young detective Jimmy Paz will be given the thankless task of urgently solving the case, only in this case nothing, absolutely nothing, is as it seems at first glance.
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