Religion & Beliefs
Životna škola
Anna Taggert, a graduate of one of the most prestigious American universities, wanted to be a teacher from an early age. To encourage young minds to think and push boundaries.
Život nastaje iz života
Life Is Born of Life is a book based on recordings of conversations during morning walks between Śrīla Prabhupāda and his disciple Thoudam D. Singh, an organic chemist.
Život nastaje iz života
Život nastaje iz života
Život prije rođenja: etičko-moralni vidici
The book "Life Before Birth: Ethical and Moral Perspectives" by Valentin Pozaić, published in 1990, addresses bioethical issues related to the beginning of human life.
Život!: Promišljanja na vašem putu
Louise constantly reminds you that the magnificent, terrifying, wonderful, funny, astonishing phenomenon we experience between birth and death is what life is all about.
Život Vivekanande / Univerzalno evanđelje
A book about Swami Vivekananda (1863-1902), one of the most influential Hindus of modern times, in which Romain Rolland documents his life and teachings.
Život za Krista
"Life for Christ" is a 2004 book written by Hilde Firtel.
Zlatna grana: proučavanje magije i religije
In The Golden Bough, Frazer examines a multitude of myths and folktales from the most diverse cultures and times and points out the striking similarities between them. Among his subjects are magic and sorcery, the nature of the soul and religion, great li
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